Categorización de las farmacias españolas según la teoría de difusión de las innovaciones de Rogers en relación a la práctica del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico

  1. Casado de Amezúa, MJ.
  2. Martínez Martínez, F.
  3. Feletto, E.
  4. Cardero, M.
  5. Gastelurrutia, MA.
Ars pharmaceutica

ISSN: 2340-9894 0004-2927

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 52

Issue: 3

Pages: 35-45

Type: Article

More publications in: Ars pharmaceutica


Introduction: The aim of the study is to categorize Spanish Community Pharmacies in relation to their position in the innovation-decision process by Rogers, in relation to the provision of Medication Review with follow up. Methods: A non validated questionnaire, previously used with the same objective, was used through a CATI methodology. The dependent variables were the five different innovation/decision phases defined by Rogers [Knowledge (F-C); Persuasion (F-P); Decision (F-D); Implementation (F-I); Maintenance (F-M). Another further phase was added including pharmacists in a phase previous to knowledge (No knowledge). Pharmacies in F-M were sub categorized in relation to the number of patients receiving the service: (F-M1) from 2 to 5 patients; (F-M2) 6 to 10 patients; (F-M3) 11 to 25 patients; (F-M4) 26 to 50 patients); (F-M5) 51 to 100 and (F-M6) 101 or more patients. Pharmacies with only one patient were included in F-I. Results: 1135 answers were received (response rate = 54%). Their distribution, according to the innovation/decision process by Rogers, was as follows: No knowledge (353; 31.1%); F-C (351; 30.9%); F-P (145; 12.8%); F-D (129; 11.4%); F-I (100; 8.8%); F-M (57; 5.0%). The F-M sub categories were: F-M1 (15; 26.3%); F-M2 (12; 21.1%); F-M3 (10; 17.5%) F-M4 (10; 17.5%); F-M5 (4; 7.0%). There are huge differences among Autonomous Communities, being Aragon the one with more pharmacies located in F-I and F-M, while Cantabria shows the most high level of no-knowledge (50.0%) having a 0.0% in F-I and F-M. A 0% in F-M is also shown in La Rioja, Canarias and Asturias. The existence of a private consultation room (ZAP) is shown as a facilitator for the provision of the service, and the existence of a responsible for the service seems to be very important to the sustainability of the service after it implementation. Conclusions: However the great efforts already done by different organizations and institutions to promote the implementation and sustainability of Medication Review with follow up, according to the data obtained in this study is possible to affirm that so far this service is poorly implemented in Spain. The existence of a private consultation room (ZAP) is shown as a facilitator for the implementation of Medication Review with follow up. On the other hand the existence of a pharmacist being the responsible for the service is shown as a support to the sustainability of the service, once this has been implemented. It seems necessary to change post degree educational programs. These shouldn’t be directed only to improve knowledge, but to develop skills and competencies, what means that these programs should try to change behaviours.

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