Satisfacción de los usuarios de Farmacia comunitaria con un servicio de dispensación pilotado

  1. Maurandi Guillén, María Dolores
  2. Hernández Rex, Antonio
  3. Abaurre Labrador, Raquel
  4. Arrebola Vargas, Cristobal
  5. García Delgado, Pilar
  6. Martínez Martínez, Fernando
Ars pharmaceutica

ISSN: 2340-9894 0004-2927

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Ausgabe: 53

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 37-43

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Ars pharmaceutica


Aim: To assess patient satisfaction with the service of dispensing during the pilot implementation of the protocol in community pharmacy dispensing. Methods: Made in community pharmacies of Murcia and Malaga provinces in Spain. Satisfaction was measured with a validated 10-item questionnaire, structured, multidimensional, with Likert scale of five continuous categories.The validated questionnaire measures two areas of overall patient satisfaction: 1. Concerning the personal treatment received. 2 .- Regarding the service received. Results: Of 60 participating community pharmacies, we obtained 335 questionnaires, from which 329 were valid. The results obtained were 71.2% very satisfied about the treatment of staff and a 59.1% very satisfied with the dispensation service. Discussion: The study shows a wide acceptance of patient satisfaction with the service, although mostly are frequent patients of participating pharmacies, which may overestimate the results. It would be interesting to evaluate changes in satisfaction over time and it is recommended to explore new approaches to determine the expectations and preferences of patients, showing possible causes of dissatisfaction. Further studies should be conducted in the future. Conclusions: The satisfaction of personal treatment received and the dispensing service was very high.

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