Protocolo analítico científico aplicado a la identificación de microorganismos y al estudio del biodeterioro en bienes culturales. Análisis en pintura sobre lienzo

  1. Fernando Poyatos Jiménez
  2. Inés Martín Sánchez
  3. Fernando Bolívar Galiano
La Ciencia y el Arte: ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Publisher: Ministerio de Cultura

Year of publication: 2013

Volume Title: La Ciencia y el Arte IV. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Volume: 4

Pages: 288-297

Type: Book chapter


This work aims to establish an analytical protocol for the study of the biodeterioration caused by the action of microorganisms on paint on canvas in order to identify both the organic and the inorganic materials of which they are composed, such as preparations (compounds), pigments, agglutinatives, protective coatings and supports, as well as to determine and classify the microorganisms (fungi and bacteria), and view the changes they have produced. We have used molecular, microbiological and bioanalytical analysis techniques, establishing a complete and multidisciplinary monitoring. Optic and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM/ EDX), Gas Chromatography, IR Spectroscopy, Stratigraphic Analysis and Microbiological Cultures have been used so as to identify biodeterioration agents and materials, and to determine the alterations they can cause. The results are intended to look at this research in depth and to suggest specific biocidal treatments for each group of microorganisms, as well as more adequate (suitable) for the different materials which compose the pictorial work.