Políticas públicas y actitudes ante el desarrollo rural en una zona rural en estancamiento estudio de caso la comarca de Guadix en Granada

  1. Álvarez Lorente, Tamara
  1. Francisco Entrena Durán Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko martxoa-(a)k 30

  1. Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios Presidentea
  2. Rafael Martínez Martín Idazkaria
  3. María Elena Nogueira Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Rural depopulation together with the consequences derived from it are a social phenomenon that has been widely studied from different disciplines, especially from a quantifiable point of view with demographic, economic and social indicators. All of this is an important issue to know the situation of rural territories, as well as to implement rural development measures and policies, in order to correct possible imbalances between territories and to be able to create greater equality of opportunities among the people who live in rural areas. and the rest of territorial areas. To this preliminary process of studying the needs and problems of rural areas, it is necessary to add the life experiences of the local actors themselves who reside in said municipalities considered to be rural, but this is not usually a frequent strategy. In this thesis we have studied the sociodemographic, economic and social evolution of the region of Guadix, a territory classified as a rural area in decline from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. Despite being made up of municipalities that are very similar in terms of sociodemographic evolution, this territory presents various heterogeneities that must be taken into account for rural development plans and actions to be successful. The analysis that we carry out of the territory may not differ from another carried out in any rural territory, but what sets us apart is that we have tried to listen to the inhabitants so that they add meaning to the figures studied. We have tried to understand how they live and interpret the problems they have suffered for a long time, as well as to study the existing relationships between them, analyzing territorial identity as an important part of development. And, finally, we have analyzed the attitudes of these actors towards the rural development policies implemented in their territories, studying the image they have of it, as well as the demands regarding development measures that must be implemented in the future.