Los procesos de globalización y tecnificación desde la perspectiva jurídica internacional

  1. Margarita Robles Carrillo
Revista electrónica de estudios internacionales (REEI)

ISSN: 1697-5197

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 45

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista electrónica de estudios internacionales (REEI)


The processes of globalisation and technification pose a challenge to the international legal order from various perspectives. An analysis of the scope and nature of these phenomena reveals that they raise, separately and, to a greater extent, in combination, a number of questions about basic legal categories that may be affected by the paradigm change introduced by these processes. The study is structured around three dilemmas. The first, conceptual, arises essentially in relation to globalisation as a polysemous and contextual concept. The second, of a functional nature, focuses on sovereignty in order to analyse its relationship with each of these phenomena. The third, structural, is centred on the State considering, in particular, issues related to territory, privatisation and governance, which are among the main areas of debate as a consequence of the processes of globalisation and technification.

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