A precarização do trabalho e a concepção de vida nuaOs operadores de telemarketing no contexto da necropolítica

  1. Câmara Norat, Rafael
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Jailton Macena de Araújo Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Sofía Olarte Encabo Co-Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 28 von April von 2023

  1. Jailton Macena de Araújo Präsident/in
  2. Sofía Olarte Encabo Sekretärin
  3. Fernando Joaquim Ferreira Maia Vocal
  4. Rosa M. González de Patto Vocal
  5. Paulo Henrique Tavares da Silva Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The discussion about the precariousness of work, inevitably, involves an examination of the changes that are taking place in the world of work. In this aspect, one cannot forget the influence of the hegemony of capitalism, materialized by changes in labor rights and which lead to loss of wages, social benefits, safety and hygiene at work, union protection, as well as the loss of social protections. Among these changes in the world of work, the service sector surpassed industry as the segment that employs the most nowadays, and the new informational technologies created a list of jobs in the tertiary sector, with the call center telemarketing operators being highlighted. Although the function of the teleoperator is linked to the use of high-tech computers and systems, the techniques and methods applied in the organization and productivity of work are still similar to those previously observed in the manufacturing industry. Data from the Telemarketing Workers Union (SINTRATEL, c2016) related to occupational diseases indicate that 36% of these workers suffer from repetitive strain injury (RSI), 30% from psychological disorders, and 25% have some hearing or voice loss. Among the psychological disorders, there are reports of suicide. The alarming rates of illness at work in this category place these workers in a situation of Bare Life (AGAMBEN, 2002), once these companies promote organizational moral harassment, resulting in occupational illness, which can lead to death. In addition, the lack of action by the State through proper regulation, once it has been processed in the National Congress for more than ten years a Bill that regulates the profession of telemarketing operator, allows the act of letting the person die become acceptable, evidencing the manifestation of necropolitics (MBEMBE, 2018). Taking these considerations into account, the central question that drives this work is raised: Starting from an expanded understanding of the Agambenian concept of Bare Life, being practiced against today’s workers, especially telemarketing operators, what is the relationship between this experience of social lack of protection and the execution of the necropolitics perpetrated against these people and what are the implications of this relationship on the health of these workers and on the safeguarding of human and labor rights? The hypothesis is that the precariousness of work affects especially the telemarketing sector, in which the “flexibilization” of the working conditions of these workers is expressed in a very forceful way due to the structure of this sector, in which everything becomes precarious. Thus, in this thesis, the objective is to investigate the precariousness of work with a focus on the telemarketing sector, whether these workers fit into the concepts of bare life and necropolitics and what are the repercussions of this relationship on the health of these workers and on the safeguarding of human and labor rights. The understanding of the precariousness experienced by telemarketing operators was expanded (bare life and necropolitics) by approaching reality from the perspective of sociology of law. Bibliographic and field research are used and a qualitative analysis of the medical records provided by the Regional Reference Center in Occupational Health from João Pessoa- PB (CEREST-JP), for the period from 2018 to 2021. From the assessment of the medical records, in this study, the hypothesis that telemarketing operators are affected by occupational illnesses arising from the precariousness of relationships in the work environment is confirmed.l