La reflexividad crítica como herramienta para un trabajo social emancipador

  1. María José Aguilar Idañez
  2. Daniel Buraschi
Servicios sociales y política social

ISSN: 1130-7633

Ano de publicación: 2023

Título do exemplar: Trabajo Social Crítico: una nueva dimensión política

Número: 129

Páxinas: 11-26

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Servicios sociales y política social


The professional practice carried out within the framework of bureaurepressive social policies leads to a clearly disciplinary or oppressive professional practice. To move towards an emancipatory social work, ideological criticism is not enough: it is necessary to identify and deconstruct the implicit models of intervention that thoughtlessly reproduce logics of inequality and domination; operating as power devices. In addition, it is essential to rethink professional skills in an emancipatory key. Critical reflexivity is one of the analytical and methodological tools that we must incorporate into our professional practice to advance towards emancipatory social work. This text explains how to do it.