El derecho de acceso a la información pública en el marco del constitucionalismo multinivel y de la actual crisis sanitaria
- 1 Universidad de Granada.
ISSN: 0211-979X
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Zenbakia: 109
Orrialdeak: 229-260
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de Derecho Político
The aim of this paper focuses on connecting two key subjects of contemporary constitutionalism. Specifically, problems arising from multilevel constitutionalism will be link with the right of access to public information in the current context. It has been seen that the theory of multilevel constitutionalism still raises integration methodological problems that could cause difficulties in the interpretation of fundamental rights. This lack of integration is clearly revealed in relation to those rights that are adjusting their scope and content in the light of the social reality of the moment, and which also have different degrees or forms of protection depending on the constitutional space in which they are studied. This is the reason which justifies the choice of right of access to public information as vehicle to highlight some of the issues pending integration into the multilevel system. On the one hand, the right of access to public information has a democratic relevance that has undoubtedly been reinforced in the framework of the current health crisis of the COVID-19. In this regard, it will be possible to verify the essential role that the right of access to public information has been playing in the national and international management of the pandemic to compensate for arbitrariness, lack of transparency, legal insecurity and all the uncertainties generated by the spread of disinformation. To this essential democratic role is added another relevant fact, and it is that analysis of the right of access to public information acquires constitutional interest by itself. It is an extremely interesting right, which provides nuances regarding the interpretation of rights, because it is subject to a different degree or form of protection under the constitutional space in which it is analysed (Council of Europe, European Union or Spanish legal system). Thus, an approach to the right of access to public information will allow to reflect some pending questions for the interpretation of rights in the multilevel context. Summary:1. Introduction. 2.- An approach to the right of access to public information in the current context of the COVID-19 health crisis. 3.- Brief reference to multilevel constitutionalism in the current context. 4.- The right of access to public information within the framework of multilevelconstitutionalism. 4.1.a.- The right of access to public information in the Council of Europe. 4.1.b.- The right of access to public information in the EU. 4.2.- Multilevel integration problems regarding the right of access to public information. 5.- Conclusions. 6.- References.
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