Estudio del comportamiento de la comunidad científica: palabras clave y revisión por pares

  1. Chamorro Padial, Jorge
Supervised by:
  1. Rosa Rodríguez Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 23 June 2023

  1. María José del Jesús Díaz Chair
  2. Daniel Sánchez Fernández Secretary
  3. Luis Rodríguez Benítez Committee member

Type: Thesis


In this doctoral thesis we conducted, through the development and promotion of various mathematical and computational models, a study on the scienti c community and its behavior, mainly framed in two research areas: the peer review process from the point of view of authors and editors, and the author keyword selection process to categorize scienti c works. Regarding peer review, we applied an originally conceived model for the biology eld, the quasi species model, through which we have modeled the behavior of the peer review process in di erent scenarios. Author keywords a ect the impact and visibility of the works they catalog. For this reason, we have carried out di erent studies that try to create tools to advise authors when optimizing the keyword selection process using information about a term's popularity and the number of existing works that use those same terms. On the other hand, through complex network analysis, we identify central keywords and those that occupy a more peripheral position. As a result of this thesis, ten articles have been written; nine of them have already been published, and a tenth is being drafted. Additionally, databases and applications created from previous work have been published.