Diseño de sistemas inteligentes de realidad virtual para la monitorización de entornos en Smart Factory

  1. Alpala, Luis Omar
  1. Juan Carlos Torres Cantero Zuzendarikidea
  2. Diego Hernán Peluffo Ordoñez Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko urria-(a)k 26

  1. Rafael Jesús Segura Sánchez Presidentea
  2. Alejandro José León Salas Idazkaria
  3. Marta Fairen González Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Working collaboratively benefits from team members being in the same location. However, as collaborating participants in a work team become increasingly dispersed in an interconnected world, individuals and organizations turn to the Internet as a means to work and learn together. Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs), whether in their 2D or 3D representation, aim to provide participants with a sense of being together or co-present. Participants can be located anywhere in the world and, with just an internet connection, a device, and virtual software application, they can interact in real-time in activities of interest. One type of CVE that enables particularly immersive real-time activities is 3D Virtual Environments. Therefore, for this research, a study is conducted on the design and development of 3D virtual environments in virtual reality and the metaverse to analyze collaborative work, immersion, and communication that users can experience in real-time for training and education. Consequently, for this research, the design and development of a framework for a virtual reality system were proposed, which represents the first step in formalizing collaboration in virtual environments through metaverses empowered by virtual reality. The framework includes a set of functional components, object-oriented configurations, advanced core, interfaces, and an online multi-user system, focused on two specific research modules: modular design and monitoring in Smart Factory. Additionally, as part of this work, an online metaverse platform was developed to provide documentation support to the framework. Finally, to validate this research, the first case study is presented with the project named Digital Factory Metaverse. To achieve this, functionality and usability tests of the application were conducted and evaluated with different users. The results of these tests demonstrated a satisfactory potential for educational and commercial use of the application. These results are of great importance as they contribute to staff training and education, as well as the integration and adaptation of these technologies in personalized environments within the production processes of different business sectors and educational institutions.