Almuñécar en las rutas comerciales béticas. El puerto de Sexi Firmum Iulium

  1. Elena H. Sánchez López
Los puertos atlánticos, béticos y lusitanos y su relación comercial con el Mediterráneo
  1. Campos Carrasco, Juan M. (ed. lit.)
  2. Bermejo Meléndez, Javier (ed. lit.)

Publisher: L'Erma di Bretschneider

ISBN: 978-88-913-1520-5

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 503-517

Type: Book chapter


The port possibilities of Almuñécar in antiquity, a peninsula flanked by two inlets, has been confirmed by the discovery of a structure clearly linked to the existence of a port, in the excavations carried out inthe 70’s in the salting factory of El Majuelo.The Sexitan port was essentially used for the export of salted fish, famous in the Mediterranean area at least from the third century BC, when they are mentioned by Diphilus of Sinope. However, there is evidence that, to a lesser extent, it was also traded with wine, and perhaps even with olive oil. Possibility, the latter, pointed out by the finding in the Testaccio of a titulus pictus on Dressel 20 in which the existence of a statio sex is mentioned. This office of fiscal control allows proposing the port of Almuñécar as one of the redistribution centres of the Baetican coast.