Funding projects for Spanish public universities in research, development, and innovation related areas: Implications for resource allocation and scientific investment
Choji, Thamyres T.
Moral-Munoz, Jose A.
Cobo, Manuel Jesús
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Cádiz
- 3 Universidad de Cádiz,
Year of publication: 2023
Type: Conference paper
This contribution examines the potential of integrating Science of Science, data analytics, and policy analysis to acquire insight into the scientific landscape of a country and guide the strategic allocation of government resources. We analyse 18,423 Spanish funding projects related to research, development, and innovation, specifically in public universities. The performance analysis was based on granted projects, budget, paper production and the relative specialisation index. The findings show that Chemical Sciences and Technologies and Biomedicine receive the highest number of projects, budget and have high production rates, while Computer-based Technologies also showed high production, although does not receive as much funding. In contrast, Gender and Women studies demonstrate low research output and investment. Our analysis contributes to the effective management of resources aiming to detect strengths and weaknesses points and further improving the quality and equality of science in Spain.
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