Catálogo de adaptaciones en el nuevo mileniola literatura en el cine italiano (2001-2022)

  1. Mendieta Rodríguez, Elios
Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine

ISSN: 2695-639X

Année de publication: 2023

Número: 5

Pages: 171-196

Type: Article

DOI: 10.24310/TLC.5.2023.17213 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine


Literature has provided Italian filmmakers with ideas - but not only, also with instruments - to construct their cinematographic images. And it has done so both in the what and in the how, that is to say, both in the narrative facet and in the plots as well as in the way of constructing their films. The corpus of film texts that unfolds in the following pages, concerning the period from the beginning of the century to the year 2022, shows that the marriage between the two arts continues to be as happy as it is fruitful, and that it opens up numerous fields of study for researchers in both disciplines and, even more so, for those who work in any field of comparative studies.

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