Analysis of self-perceived digital competences in future educatorsA study at the university of Granada
- Santiago Alonso-García 1
- Juan-José Victoria-Maldonado 1
- Jose-Antonio Martínez-Domingo 1
- Blanca Berral-Ortiz 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2013-6374
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Emerging methodologies and technologies applied to university education
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 4-15
Type: Article
More publications in: JOTSE
Digital competence stands as a pivotal element in educational training across all levels, notably within higher education and particularly within the realm of initial teacher training. As prospective educators, these individuals bear the crucial responsibility of championing digital competences and integrating them into their teaching curricula. However, for this integration to materialize effectively, it becomes imperative for them to establish a robust framework for digital competence training. The linchpin of this preparation lies in DigCompEdu. This study adopts a correlational approach with a retrospective ex-post-facto design aimed at scrutinizing the digital competences among future teachers within the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Granada. Notably, the research uncovers intriguing insights: self-perceived digital competence exhibits variations based on the gender of the students, with men tending to display a more positive self-assessment in contrast to findings suggesting otherwise. Diverse perspectives exist among authors, some advocating for correlation while others refute it. Conversely, factors such as the academic course or degree do not seem to exert significant influence. A critical revelation surfaces from the majority of students at the Faculty of Education: their self-assessed digital competence level hovers around B1, an assessment considered inadequate for effectively imparting knowledge to future generations. This deficiency persists partly due to the absence of dedicated spaces and training opportunities in this domain, as perceived by students. However, nuances emerge based on the degree pursued, highlighting disparities in perceptions regarding this aspect. Ultimately, this research underscores the urgency to enhance digital competence training within initial teacher education, advocating for a more comprehensive approach to bridge the gap between perceived competence and the actual proficiency required to navigate the digital landscape in education effectively.
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