El profesorado de los grados de educaciónsus competencias a debate

  1. Antonio Burgos García 1
  2. Mª Dolores Villena Martínez 1
  3. Inmaculada Montero García 1
  4. Javier Carrillo Rosúa 1
  5. Purificación Pérez-García 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449

Educación y sociedad: claves interdisciplinares
  1. Delfín Ortega-Sánchez (coord.)
  2. Alexander López-Padrón (coord.)

Éditorial: Ediciones Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-10054-35-6

Année de publication: 2023

Pages: 211-219

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


The university faculty members that deliver bachelor’s degrees in education are responsible forpromoting the skills that future teachers must acquire to carry out their professional duties, while making themaware of the academic and social consequences of failing to understand or acquire such competences. Weaimed to determine the competency profile of university teachers of degrees in Early Childhood and PrimaryEducation. A qualitative approach was adopted by asking a total of 209 university teachers about their conception of what it means to be a teacher. For data management, we used the Maxqda program and analyzedthe information by applying content analysis as a first step before conducting a thematic analysis in a secondphase. These analyses allowed us to identify the competency areas emphasized by university teachers. Thefindings revealed a gap between those skills relevant to university teachers and those acquired by future teachers for entry into the profession, as well as the abilities that they, in turn, should foster among their students inthe infant and primary school classrooms