TIC y educación artística. El blogquest como recurso en la educación plástica, visual y audiovisual. Una propuesta de investigación-acción en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

  1. Atencia Barrero, Pedro
Supervised by:
  1. María Dolores Álvarez Rodríguez Co-director
  2. María del Carmen Bellido Márquez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 07 June 2021

Type: Thesis


This reseach focuses on the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational background, specifically in the subject of Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education (EPVA) of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) in Andalusia. For this reason, a teaching work model has been developed based on the BlogQuest tool (mixture of a Blog and a WebQuest), and it has been put into practice in three public Compulsory Secondary Education Schools (CSES) of this Autonomy. In this way, we wanted to check if the activities online with this designed structure are useful in the teachinglearning process of the plastic and visual arts in the subject in 4th year of ESO. Starting from the previous need of similar didactic resources, his work aims to reveal and research the convenience of its use, as well as to contribute to the design of a new methodological approach to teaching-learning of the plastic and visual arts more coherent with the languages that currently exist among the students. These students are called "digital natives", and the teaching methods are approaching to the new framework of Educational Digital Transformation (EDT) in Andalusia. A wide variety of research experiences can be found dealing with the use of ICT in education. However, there are not many studies proposing a detailed and precise research of the educational possibilities that the use of WebQuest has in EPVA, neither of BlogQuest applied to artistic education. In our proposal, we will adopt the pedagogical approach of constructivism, based on the theory of knowledge, which postulates the need to provide the student with the necessary tools that allow them to build their own mechanisms to solve problematic situations and thus generate cognitive scaffolds. With this teaching methodology, the cornerstone of the BlogQuest tool, it is intended that students modify their ideas themselves and direct their learning, guided by the teacher. At the same time, Action Research is used as a methodological research basis due to its adaptation to the study objectives. It is a teacher inquiry strategy that responds to a philosophy of action about the practice that seeks to improve teaching through a set of actions in which the teacher also acquires the role of researcher. The empirical research has been carried out with a sample of fifty students from the IES Fray Luis de Granada (Granada), Picos del Guadiana de Huesa (Jaén) and Doña Salvadora Muñoz (Villanueva de Algaidas, Málaga) during the 2016 school years 2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. Ten WebQuests have been designed and implemented in the research. The several assessment instruments and strategies used in this study have made possible to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. In order to do this, several tools have been used: a specifically designed teaching action plan and five questionnaires, in addition to direct observation as a research strategy. The first questionnaire is a pre-test that collects aspects related to the use of the computer, the Internet and the use of ICT. The aim is to identify the use that students make of these tools and their previous knowledge. We have used a second post-test questionnaire to assess the manageability, design and operability of BlogQuest, also the advantages offered by ICT to improve study habits, the improvements in the teaching field intervened in addition to the preferences and attitudes of the students towards the use of ICT resources and materials. All this it is done in order to know if they are appropriate as a work tool in the EPVA class at ESO. A third questionnaire has been implemented to assess the whole BlogQuest as a teaching tool. A fourth questionnaire consisting of the assessment of the teaching resources has been used. Through this questionnaire we aim to be informed of the viability of the proposed teaching approach, its usefulness and benefits that provides in the EPVA. And finally, we have dedicated a fifth questionnaire to the evaluation of the WebQuests to determine the degree of satisfaction of the users with the type of activities proposed and their estimation of the different parts that compose them. As a result, we have obtained interesting data that have led us to conclude, in a general way, that BlogQuest makes possible a didactic method for EPVA in ESO. Specifically, the creation of activities with the WebQuest format, through the applications included in the BlogQuest, allows students to improve their digital skills by practicing skills and procedures related to ICT in relation to access, treatment, selection and solution of tasks for the learning of plastic and visual arts in a way leads to the construction of knowledge through practice. In addition, this tool benefits collaboration between students (face to face and online) and is an effective mean for them to acquire the Key Competencies of compulsory education. At the same time, the simplicity of handling BlogQuest as a teaching tool and its ease of dissemination of its contents and metholodology on the Internet allows the exchange of knowledge and methodologies among teachers. This implies the improvement and enrichment of education and its updating in general and specifically in the subject of EPVA of the ESO.