Educación Física y ciudadaníauna revisión interpretativa crítica

  1. Mario Fuentes 1
  2. Carmen Trigueros Cervantes 2
  3. Alberto Moreno DUniversidad de Valparaísooña
  1. 1 Universidad de Las Américas
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 53

Pages: 323-332

Type: Article

More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


This article presents an interpretative review of the relationship between the subject of Physical Education and the development of citizenship in a school context. To do this, a search was conducted in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The following inclusion criteria were used: works that relate Physical Education to citizenship in the period 2018-2022, various types of publications, and works that include qualitative, quantitative, or mixed approaches. Through the text search analysis technique, five interpretive codes were established: the conception of Physical Education, Citizenship and Physical Education, teaching practice, citizenship and curriculum, citizenship and teacher training. The results reveal a critique of Physical Education, as despite its potential to contribute to the development of citizenship in the student population, teachers tend to maintain directive strategies that hinder the acquisition of civic education and reduce it to a mere sense of obedience. However, various proposals were also found, especially related to sports activities, that effectively contribute to civic education in Physical Education classes. Finally, it is worth noting the approaches to critical pedagogy within Physical Education, which play a significant role in various aspects of citizenship, especially highlighting the digital dimension and the environment.

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