Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos de documentación durante la intervención de una pintura mural arqueológica

  1. Teresa López-Martínez
  2. Ana Isabel Calero-Castillo
  3. Ana García-Bueno
  4. Víctor J. Medina-Flórez
La Ciencia y el Arte: Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Publisher: Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones ; Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

ISBN: 978-84-8181-760-7

Year of publication: 2020

Volume Title: La Ciencia y el Arte VII Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Volume: 7

Pages: 603-621

Type: Book chapter


The development of new technologies during the last years and the consequent reduction in their cost has contributed to their incorporation in diverse fields, among which cultural heritage is included. Initially, the digitalization of images and 3D modelling techniques were understood as an end in themselves. Nevertheless, the aim nowadays is using them as a tool to facilitate the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and its promotion. This work presents how the use of said technologies acutely helps in the documentation and study prior to the intervention on a wall painting artwork. Specifically, it shows their implementation in the restoration that the University of Granada is carrying out on the wall coverings from Roman and Late Antique periods coming from the Archaeological Site of Castulo, carried out by the University of Granada