Estudio de la recarga y la descarga del manantial de Deifontes (Granada) en el periodo 1960-2021

  1. Antonio Sánchez Membrives 1
  2. José Benavente Herrera 1
  3. Carmen Almécija Ruiz 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Geodinámica, Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias. Granada

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 73

Pages: 19-22

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

Sustainable development goals


A complete series of monthly data on the flow of the Deifontes spring - one of the most important in the province of Granada - in the period 1960-2021, has been obtained from direct measurements (gauges) and their subsequent treatment. A range of values from 0.45 to 2.92 m3 /s and an annual average of 1.2 m3 /s is obtained. It presents very little variability at the monthly average level (1.14-1.27 m3 /s), an anomalous circumstance in an aquifer such as the one that drains the spring, made up of karstified Jurassic carbonates, whose average recharge has been estimated at 60% of the precipitation. The annual evolution of the accumulated deviation from the average of the estimated recharge and the mean flow of the spring indicates two trends before and after 1987: the first increasing and the second decreasing. The reduction (70%) in the average flow of the post-1987 spring follows a very similar evolution to the decrease in recharge (which, in turn, derives from the decrease in precipitation).