Técnicas complementarias de relajación y analgesia no farmacológicas durante el partorevisión sistemática

  1. Vivancos Marín, Noelia 1
  2. Cánovas Ambit, Germán 2
  3. Sánchez García, Juan Carlos 3
  4. López Requena, Anais 4
  5. García Vidal, Jose Antonio 5
  1. 1 1 University of Alcala, Defense University Center, 28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
  2. 2 Investigador Asociado en la Universidad de Murcia
  3. 3 School of Nursing. Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Granada.
  4. 4 Research fellow, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia
  5. 5 Research Group Fisioterapia y Discapacidad, Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria-Virgen de La Arrixaca (IMIB), Murcia, Spain, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Enfermería global: revista electrónica trimestral de enfermería

ISSN: 1695-6141

Année de publication: 2024

Titre de la publication: #73 Enero

Volumen: 23

Número: 1

Pages: 458-490

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6018/EGLOBAL.555891 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

D'autres publications dans: Enfermería global: revista electrónica trimestral de enfermería


Introduction:There is a need to provide analgesia strategies that encourage and promote women's participation in decision-making at the time of delivery and relaxation techniques could be a complementary and/or alternative non-pharmacological analgesic method to the widely used epidural anaesthesia in standard labour care. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the obstetric effects of relaxation techniques on pain management during labour. Method: A systematic review is performed with critical reading of included studies. The search for studies was carried out in the main databases MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Cuiden, LILACS and SciELO. Studies published in English or Spanish between 2015 and February 2021 were included. Eleven studies were included, six of which are systematic reviews and five are randomised clinical trials. The interventions analysed were relaxation techniques such as hypnosis, intradermal injection of sterile water, warm water immersion, massage, acupuncture, music therapy, aromatherapy, continuous support and mind-body practices like relaxing breathing, yoga and meditation, among others. Conclusion: The main conclusion of this study is that relaxation techniques may decrease the level of pain during labour, although the current scientific evidence is limited and the methodological quality varies from low to moderate. More randomised controlled trials are needed to support this research.

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