Transición ecosocial y gamificación en estudios de audienciasapp Aedo

  1. Espinar Medina, Lara 1
  2. Barrera Jerez, Laura 1
  3. Chaparro Escudero, Manuel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Málaga

    Universidad de Málaga

    Málaga, España


Methaodos. revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 2340-8413

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Titel der Ausgabe: Nuevas perspectivas y fronteras en la Era de la sostenibilidad; m241201a04

Ausgabe: 12

Nummer: 1

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.17502/MRCS.V12I1.740 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Methaodos. revista de ciencias sociales


The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of gamification to retain participating samples in audience studies. The work focuses on the gamification of the AEDO tool, a mobile application for audience studies that allows quantitative and qualitative analysis of consumption, uses and media gratifications. The article describes its conceptual and functional characteristics; its performance in the loyalty of the sample and its contribution in the implementation of ecosystem values, the theme of the tool. AEDO's gamification was designed through a bibliographic review and is inspired by different recreational and educommunicational formats. The audience study was implemented between October and December 2022. During this process, there was participant observation by experts in communication and prospective analysis through surveys. Once the study was completed, a questionnaire was applied to the sample to find out their perceptions. The results determine that the gamification strategy is an attractive element for the loyalty of the participating sample in the audience study. Its usefulness as a tool for learning and raising awareness on issues related to the ecosocial transition was also demonstrated, especially those focused on the incorporation of practices that are respectful of the environment.

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