La oferta comunicativa en la propaganda electoral. Un estudio de la cartelería electoral en Andalucía 2008-2018

  1. Giselle García Hípola
Revista de estudios regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 127

Seiten: 15-45

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de estudios regionales


This research shows a study of the 58 electoral posters used by the different po- litical parties that obtained representation in the Andalusian Parliament in the electoral campaigns of 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2018. The electoral posters are analysed because we understand that the communicative offer in the electoral campaigns is carried out through different media and in this sense the electoral propaganda through electoral posters is one of the most symbolic elements. Even in the digital era, this is due to the fact that: firstly, symbolically, the campaign starts with the sticking up of posters and where the parties turn this act into one of the campaign kick-off acts. Secondly, despite the limited effects they may have, their presence generates a constant sensation in the public sphere that it is an election period

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