El uso de bioresiduos en la restauración de ecosistemas degradadosestabilidad estructural, infiltración y cobertura vegetal

  1. Paloma Hueso González 1
  2. Juan Francisco Martínez-Murillo 1
  3. José Damián Ruíz-Sinoga 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Geografía.
Papeles de geografía

ISSN: 0213-1781

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 64

Pages: 63-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de geografía


Nowadays, the transition to a Circular Economy, in which wastes can be reduced, responds to a real and tangible need. Base on this, the management of organic residues acquires special prominence. This is because of the huge amount of wastes produced and the environmental implications of their mismanagement. Based on this premise, the objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of certain types of organic residues as restoration techniques in a degraded Mediterranean area. Two types of organic wastes are selected: (i) straw mulch; and (ii) mulch with chipped branch of Pinushalepensis Mill. The wastes have been generated as secondary products during forestry and agricultural activities in the surrounding area. Independently of the treatment applied, our results show an increase in macro-aggregate stability and in the infiltration rates. This implies more available water for plants and, thus, the increment in the rates of survival plants. Consequently, the use of bio-wastes can be an effective management technique to restore Mediterranean degraded areas.

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