Diplomacia e xustiza de xénero

  1. Antonio Alejo
Tempo exterior

ISSN: 1579-6582

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Política Exterior Feminista: perspectivas e desafíos para os seu estudo (II)

Issue: 43

Pages: 41-53

Type: Article

More publications in: Tempo exterior


Faced with the challenges of contemporary societies, the issue of gender inequality in diplomacy raises questions that were not previously asked in diplomatic studies. How does gender inequality operate in diplomacy both within its circuits and its relationship with society? What possible routes are there to start thinking about how men can change this gender inequality? This article’s specific objective is to contribute to thinking about how diplomacy is transformed and studied from gender perspectives and to explore possible routes to think about the contribution of men to transform the current unequal relations between genders through gender justice. In this article, based on these research questions, we review the current literature to determine how the relationship between gender and diplomacy is being studied. By reflecting, this article proposes to think about possible routes to think about the challenges for the study and application in contemporary diplomacy from two relevant axes. With the notion of gender justice and the recognition of men’s agency to reproduce a patriarchal culture, a path is opened to reflect how men can begin to think about contributing to eliminating unequal gender relations.

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