El papel de los probióticos en la prevención de las infecciones urinarias recurrentes en mujeres

  1. Jiménez Pacheco, Antonio
  2. Jiménez Pacheco, Araceli
  3. Moral Domínguez, E. del
Actualidad médica

ISSN: 0365-7965

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Band: 98

Nummer: 788

Seiten: 45-49

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Actualidad médica


Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most prevalent infectious diseases. Antibiotics used for treatment and prevention of recurrences generate significant healthcare cost and disruption of the vaginal microbiota, which has led them to seek alternative therapies, including the probióticos enters. The aim of the study is to analyze the role of probiotics in the prevention of recurrent UTIs in women. Material and methods: We searched the PUBMED database of articles published up to January 2013, with the terms �probiotics and urinary tract infection�, obtaining 66 items of which 37 items finally selected. Results: Of the 37 items, 25 are literature reviews, 6 randomized trials, controlled and other pilot studies and case-control prospective. Was compared the administration of Lactobacillus versus trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP / SMX) noting that Lactobacillus does not meet the criteria for non-inferiority in preventing UTIs compared with TMP / SMX. Also compared cranberry juice consumption against Lactobacillus, observing a decrease in the number of recurrences in the group taking cranberry. In studies that compared placebo vs Lactobacillus if there has been a 50-70% reduction in the number of recurrences compared to placebo. Conclusions: Although most studies are heterogeneous and small sample size, the use of certain Lactobacillus strains for preventing recurrences of UTI is promising.

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