Avance de resultados en reproducción de cornisas romanastécnicas de ejecución y aplicación de tecnología 3D

  1. Ana Carrasco-Huerta
  2. Ana Isabel Calero-Castillo
  3. Ana Isabel Alarcón Barrachina
  4. Ana García-Bueno
II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España
  1. Hernández Navarro, Yolanda (dir. congr.)

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-1396-045-6

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 577-584

Congress: II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España (2. 2023. Valencia)

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this research is to provide information on the composition and technique of Roman cornicefragments from the Archaeological Site of Cástulo (Linares, Jaén). These decorative elements weredesigned to be placed in the upper area of the walls, so their production probably included additives tocreate a lighter mortar that was made by molds or direct modelling.After a bibliographic review of mortars composition used in those times, samples were prepared to test theeffectiveness of the different additives in the mortar. In addition, the use of photogrammetry and restitutionby 3D modelling techniques will make possible to obtain molds from different typological models ofcornices. The results of this research provide further information of the original technique, theidentification of its components and making it a useful conservation tool. As a result, cornices have beenreproduced using these molds, thanks to 3D printing technology, and the testing of different additives