La Alcazaba de Guadix como modelo de conservación preventivarecuperación e integración social de la arquitectura fortificada

  1. Isabel Bestué Cardie
  2. Mª Lourdes Gutiérrez Carrillo
  3. Trinidad Cortés Puya
II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España
  1. Hernández Navarro, Yolanda (dir. congr.)

Editorial: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-1396-045-6

Ano de publicación: 2023

Páxinas: 643-653

Congreso: II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España (2. 2023. Valencia)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The method developed by the PREFORTI R+D+i project for the analysis and design of proposals for theadequate conservation of the fortified heritage of soil, so abundant in the Iberian Peninsula, has beenimplemented in the case of the citadel of Guadix (Granada, Spain).The interdisciplinary study in which the method is framed has made it possible to identify anthropic risksas a substantial part of the process of deterioration of the citadel, adopting as part of the preventiveconservation strategy, the integration of the asset in the social context.Having applied the proposed actions and with a sufficient period of time to evaluate the results obtained,we can affirm that the method is an adequate sustainable management tool that has increased socialcommitment to the Property and that it is reverting to both to the maintenance of the Monumental Complexand to the the economic and cultural development of the local population.