Cerro Mojón. Un poblado al aire libre del V-IV mil. A.C, junto al río Jandulilla

  1. Miguel Yanes Puga
  2. Alberto Dorado Alejos
Sumuntán: anuario de estudios sobre Sierra Mágina

ISSN: 1132-6956

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 37

Pages: 137-152

Type: Article

More publications in: Sumuntán: anuario de estudios sobre Sierra Mágina


The present paper describe the Neolithic and first Cooper Ager settlement discover at Jódar (Jaén). This settlement is located on a small plateau on the east bank of the Jandulilla River, southern Guadalquivir valley. The planting of a new olive grove caused the appearance of artifacts that allowed us to identify the chronology of archaeological site. By this, the present paper describes the recognizable surface features of the settlement and its artifacts, placing it in the context of the distribution of the prehistoric settlement of the region.