Creación audiovisual colaborativa y representación en las culturas digitales

  1. Balaguer Pérez, Juan José
Dirixida por:
  1. Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 19 de decembro de 2023

Tipo: Tese


There is a form of creation of audiovisual content which is based on incorporating certain collaboration dynamics that have not been usual in cultural production. This model has a long historical development, but it is not widely known and has not been frequently discussed in the history of this media. However, the emergence of digital communication situated cultural participation in the foreground and resulted in the multiplication of audiovisual projects that were based on the interaction and cooperation between the people who filmed the content, conventionally recognised as the authors, and the people who were filmed, who traditionally have not had a decisive role in building the narrative even though they offer their image and experiences. This form of creation contrasts with conventional cultural production due to its emphasis on collaboration, collective interaction, alternative representation (or even selfrepresentation) and its challenge to single authorship, among other aspects. The present doctoral research offers a conceptualization of this production model, which has not found a consensus in its denomination. In addition, there have been problems in defining it due to its profoundly interdisciplinary nature, its emergence and development in different cultural spheres and the variety of forms that it has taken throughout its history. After proposing and explaining the term collaborative modes of audiovisual media and contributing with a broad definition that makes it possible to recognize the plurality of the concept without renouncing the lowest common denominator identified in its various practices, the analysis presents the historical development of this cultural phenomenon and the creation of an analysis and characterization model, based on a number of elements that significantly modulate collaborative audiovisual creation. The research then studies representation in the collaborative modes of audiovisual media, which is one of the elements related to this model that is a major breakthrough in relation to conventional cultural production. This study complements the proposed model. All of this has been applied to the analysis of two recent case studies, Empremtes Digitals (Jiménez and Salvadó, 2017) and The Living Cultures Indigenous Fellowship (InsightShare, 2021), facilitating the understanding of this model in its adaptation to the context of digital cultures. The research results have shown the diversity that this object of study involves, as well as the suitability of the definition and the different characteristics that formed the proposed model after it was applied to the case studies. On the other hand, this doctoral thesis evidences a certain continuity of the collaborative modes of audiovisual media, maintaining their essential elements and also those that most significantly constitute their social basis.