Análisis de la función vestibular, validación de una herramienta de valoración funcional del equilibrio y efectividad de un programa de rehabilitación vestibular en pacientes con síndrome de figromialgia

Dirixida por:
  1. M. Catalina Osuna Pérez Director
  2. Rafael Lomas Vega Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 01 de decembro de 2023

  1. Daniel Pecos Martín Presidente/a
  2. Raquel Fábrega Cuadros Secretario/a
  3. Araceli Ortiz Rubio Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 831174 DIALNET


Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) have impaired balance and postural control, precipitating the development of symptoms such as dizziness or instability, as well as an increase in kinesiophobia, disability perceived by dizziness, distrust in balance and the risk of falling. The study of this balance disorder raises unknowns since its origin remains uncertain. Alterations in the processing of multisensory information responsible for balance are postulated as the main cause. This Doctoral Thesis analyzes the clinical characterization of this disorder, develops and validates a tool that validly and reliably evaluates the functional balance of these patients (JAEN Screening Tool of 20 items, range of 0-80, high scores indicate greater impairment of balance) and applies a Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR) treatment to evaluate its effectiveness in improving the balance and general health status of patients with FMS.