Metodología para el diseño de juegos serios que usen objetos tangibles para la rehabilitación psicomotriz de niños con discapacidad auditiva

  1. Peñeñory Beltrán, Víctor Manuel
Dirigée par:
  1. César Alberto Collazos Ordóñez Directeur
  2. Habib M. Fardoun Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad del Cauca

Année de défendre: 2019

Type: Thèses


Disability is a condition in which a person may have some kind of physical, cognitive, mental or sensory impairment, which affects the way they socialize with other people and interact with their environment. Currently, the World Health Organization estimates that in the last decade there are 15 percent of the world's population with some form of disability, of which 34 million are children who suffer from partial or profound hearing loss, impeding normal communication through spoken language. When the auditory sense is affected by some type of disorder, it causes the physical and cognitive development of the child to be slower compared to a normal child, causing problems in language, emotions, communication and perception of what surrounds him. Currently there are many therapeutic techniques that allow the child to improve developing their physical and cognitive skills, being the playfulness of the game one of the emerging rehabilitation techniques that are generating great advances in patients due to the sensory stimulation it offers. Thanks to the positive scope that have had the playfulness of games in rehabilitation in the physical, metal, cognitive and sensory aspects, nowadays a great variety of digital games are offered with the capacity to stimulate the abilities of the children as the capacity of attention, the perception of their world and what surrounds it, the taking of decisions, the execution of sequential instructions, the reasoning and the coordination viso-motor. This type of interactive systems are known as serious games, which are defined as those games that have purposes that go beyond fun and entertainment, creating experiences that stimulate the development of different skills in their players. The objective of this project is to offer a methodological proposal that serves as a tool for the construction of serious games aimed at the rehabilitation and stimulation of psychomotor skills in hearing impaired children. For this purpose, a deep analysis is made of the different guidelines, techniques, tools, models and methodologies for the construction of interactive systems, video games and serious games, comparing their different aspects and elements, in order to offer a methodology that allows from the formalization of the serious game design process to involve aspects such as modeling, visualization, specification, construction and documentation of all components, roles and activities, in addition to offering techniques and guidelines that allow the adaptation of the different aspects of interaction and balanced design of the formal elements of the game and rehabilitation activities.