Sentinel-2 derived Chlorophyll-a prediction maps for high-altitude lakes in the Sierra Nevada, Spain

  1. Postma, Thedmer 1
  2. Martínez-López, Javier 1
  3. Llodrà-Llabrés, Joana 1
  4. Alcaraz-Segura, Domingo 1
  5. Pérez-Martínez, Carmen 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Éditeur: Zenodo

Année de publication: 2023

Type: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


This dataset contains chlorophyll-a (ug/L) predictions for 4 high-altitude lakes in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, Spain. Predictions were made using a simple linear regression model with field sample chlorophyll-a as the dependent variable, and the following Sentinel-2 derived spectral index as the independent variable: B3 - (B4+((B2-B4)*((665-560)/(665-490))) Prediction maps are included as GeoTiffs and NetCDF files. Sentinel-2 data were atmospherically corrected using the following algorithms:  ACOLITE (Vanhellemont & Ruddick, 2018) 6SV (Vermote et al. 2006) Included Lakes and and their IDs: Laguna de la Caldera (ID = P-2) Laguna-embalse de las Yeguas (ID = D-6) Laguna de Río Seco (ID = P-8) Laguna Larga (ID = G-7)