Association of Accelerometer-Determined Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior With the Gut Microbiome in Middle-Aged Women: A Compositional Data Approach

  1. Pérez-Prieto, I.
  2. Migueles, J.
  3. Molina, N.
  4. Sola-Leyva, A.
  5. Salas-Espejo, E.
  6. Arffman, R.
  7. Nurkkala, M.
  8. Niemelä, M.
  9. Lüll, K.
  10. Org, E.
  11. Franks, S.
  12. Tapanainen, J.
  13. Salumets, A.
  14. Piltonen, T.
  15. Ortega, F.
  16. Altmäe, S.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports

ISSN: 1600-0838 0905-7188

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 34

Issue: 7

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/SMS.14689 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor