Film & Comedy & Modern Art. The Suffering Body Challenging Identity Loss in a World in Crisis

  1. Ana María Gómez Cremades
Avanca / Cinema 2012

Editorial: Cine Clube de Avanca

ISBN: 978-989-96858-2-6

Año de publicación: 2012

Páginas: 151-163

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Film and visual arts roam along parallel paths and take us deep into images that we do not know whether they causeus to laugh or cry. We pass where both converge, zigzagging fragments and pieces of history, to investigate how andwhen laughter becomes a wail, how and when terror and brutality establish themselves as parody, and above all,how, when and why art and cinema decide to manipulate the body as a means of condemnation, disapproval andtransgression (risible or not) of one’s own identity. We will explore this critical, bearable, qualifying and paradoxicalencounter that upholds the extension of comical horror in contemporary art. Afflicted, tormented and violentcharacters play the lead in discourses covered in humor, transgression, agony, humiliation and manipulation of thebody, trying to deprive individuality of meaning. The comic fact borrows themes from within the scope of violence andbrutality: hunger, war, misery and destruction. This outrageous combination is perfectly understood by the satiricaldrama universe, it is “the emptiness of reality and the vanity of human existence” facing adversity and disaster. Filmand visual arts reach us as difficulty and pain, signifying the sense of ‘being’ beyond itself. Beyond identity itself.Beyond grief, laughter or crying.