Whole rock major and trace elements composition from Ultramafic section of Careón Ophiolite (NW Iberian Massif)

  1. Iglesias, Gabriel
  2. Garcia-Casco, Antonio
  3. Sanchez Martinez, Sonia
  4. Novo-Fernandez, Irene
  5. Andonaegui, Pilar
  6. Arenas, Ricardo

Éditeur: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)

Année de publication: 2025

Type: Dataset

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International [CC-BY-SA-4.0]


This dataset presents analyses of whole rock major and trace elements for a suite of high serpentinized ultramafic rocks which they form part of mantle section of one of the best exposed Devonian ophiolite along European Variscan suture, in NW of Iberian Massif (Careón Ophiolite).