Publicacions en col·laboració amb investigadors/es de University of Strasbourg (12)


  1. Application of the DFT Method to the Study of Intramolecular Palladium Shifts in Aryl and Polyaryl Complexes

    Computational Methods in Catalysis and Materials Science: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA), pp. 341-357

  2. Efficient, nickel-catalysed Kumada-Tamao-Corriu cross-coupling with a calix[4]arene-diphosphine ligand

    Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, Vol. 351, Núm. 9, pp. 1383-1389

  3. Palladium motion in cyclomeric compounds: A theoretical study

    Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 48, Núm. 23, pp. 11131-11141