Domaine: Electrónica

Groupe de recherche: Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory

Email: agodoy@ugr.es

Docteur à l Universidad de Granada avec la thèse Estudio del ruido de baja frecuencia en transistores de efecto campo 1997. Dirigée par Dr. Juan Antonio Jiménez Tejada, Dr. Alberto J. Palma López.

Prof. Godoy has developed his research career in the field of computational nanoelectronics, specifically on the simulation, modeling and characterization of semiconductor nanodevices. A noticeable characteristic of his works is the interest on the application of different materials employed by the semiconductor industry such as high-κ insulators, metallic contacts, strained channels, and alloys. More recently, his research work shifted to the experimental characterization of semiconductor devices based on two-dimensional materials (2DMs), such as graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, simultaneously to the theoretical and numerical explanation of their behavior, focusing on their application as photodetectors, sensors, memristors and components of radio-frequency circuits. His international experience comprises several stays at world-recognized institutions such as the Beckman Institute at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC-USA) to collaborate with Prof. Umberto Ravaioli on the study of semiconductor nanostructures and, in 2016 at the laboratory of Prof. Max Lemme (RWTH-Germany) to carry out fabrication and experimental characterization of graphene photodetectors. Nowadays, the research group headed by Prof. Godoy encompasses a total of 10 people among permanent researchers and doctoral students, developing a multidisciplinary research as it combines different subjects required for the design, characterization and simulation of 2DM-based devices for high-frequency applications. Simultaneously he fosters fruitful collaborations with outstanding national and international research groups such as those led by Dr. J.A. Garrido (ICN2-Spain), Prof. M. Lemme (RWTH-Germany), and Dra. D. Kokh (HITS-Germany). These research activities have resulted in a relevant transference of knowledge to international companies such as Gold Standard Simulations (UK), Global TCAD Solutions (Austria), and AMO-GmbH (Germany). These collaborations have leveraged the research activities of Prof. Godoy, encompassing more than 30 research projects funded by competitive public and private calls where he acted as researcher and PI. It has to be stressed his participation in numerous European projects from FP5, FP7, and H2020. The results of these intense international collaborations have yielded more than 150 contributions (Scopus) shared among scientific journals (some of them with high impact journals such as Small (IF=13.3) or npj 2D Materials & Applications (IF=9.338)) and international conferences (2 invited talks), including 98 different co-authors of varied national and international institutions. In addition to this intense research activity, he has a consolidated tuition activity of graduate and undergraduate students through the supervision of 6 PhD students, 24 MSc Thesis and more than 30 BSc Thesis. Simultaneously, Prof. Godoy also carries out an intense teaching activity and was Chair of two Official Master Program at UGR. He is a reviewer for prestigious international journals (Applied Phys. Lett, IEEE. Trans. Elec. Dev., Nanoscale, etc.) and reviewer of national and international scientific projects and member of the technical program committee of several international conferences (ESSDERC, SISPAD), including the European Solid-State Electronics Research Conference (ESSERC-2024) the most relevant meeting at European level in the field.