Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet AGUSTÍN MILLARES VALENZUELA (9)


  1. Snow Dynamics, Hydrology, and Erosion

    The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada: A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain (Springer International Publishing), pp. 149-164


  1. Hydro-meteorological drivers influencing suspended sediment transport and yield in a semi-arid mountainous basin

    Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 45, Núm. 15, pp. 3791-3807


  1. Evaluating gullying effects on modeling erosive responses at basin scale

    Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 111, pp. 61-71


  1. Bedload dynamics and associated snowmelt influence in mountainous and semiarid alluvial rivers

    Geomorphology, Vol. 206, pp. 330-342

  2. Reservoir sedimentation and erosion processes in a snow-influenced basin in Southern Spain

    Reservoir Sedimentation (CRC Press), pp. 91-98

  3. Reservoir sedimentation and erosion processes in a snow-influenced basin, in Southern Spain

    Reservoir Sedimentation - Special Session on Reservoir Sedimentation of the 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, RIVER FLOW 2014


  1. WiMMed, a distributed physically-based watershed model (I): Description and validation

    Environmental Hydraulics: Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Solutions - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Hydraulics, IWEH 2009