Supervised Theses (1)

  1. Characterization and modeling of resistive memories based on mis and mim structures 2022

    Universidad de Granada

    Maldonado Correa, David

Theses Committees (4)

  1. Secretary of the Committee

    Machine learning for bidirectional translation between different sign and oral languages 2023

    Universidad de Málaga

    Saleem, Muhammad Imran

  2. Secretary of the Committee

    Cost-effective and energy-efficient techniques for underwater acoustic communication modems 2021

    Universidad de Málaga


  3. Secretary of the Committee

    Evaluación de daño en estructuras de hormigón armado sometidas a cargas sísmicas mediante el método de emisión acústica 2016

    Universidad de Granada

    Sagasta Moreno, Francisco Antonio

  4. Secretary of the Committee

    Analysis of composite shells: isogeometric modelling and damage identification 2014

    Universidad de Granada

    Fernandez Casanova, Cesar