Publications by the researcher in collaboration with David Marín García (38)


  1. Advances and Innovations in Shelters to Cover Needs in Emergency Housing Situations

    Building Engineering Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century: Holistic Study from the Perspectives of Materials, Construction, Energy and Sustainability (Springer Nature), pp. 169-183

  2. Analysing energy poverty in warm climate zones in Spain through artificial intelligence

    Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 68

  3. Deep learning model for automated detection of efflorescence and its possible treatment in images of brick facades

    Automation in Construction, Vol. 145

  4. Is the analysis scale crucial to assess energy poverty? analysis of yearly and monthly assessments using the 2 M indicator in the south of Spain

    Energy and Buildings, Vol. 285


  1. Analysing the Effectiveness of the Energy Conservation Measures to Reduce Energy Poverty Cases in the Southern Regions of Spain

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 225-238

  2. Analysing the Effectiveness of the Energy Conservation Measures to Reduce Energy Poverty Cases in the Southern Regions of Spain

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 225-238

  3. Assessing the Possibility of Using Adaptive Setpoint Temperatures in Buildings in Southern Spain to Reduce Energy Poverty

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 255-266

  4. Assessing the possibility of using adaptive setpoint temperatures in buildings in Southern Spain to reduce energy poverty

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 255-266

  5. Comparative Analysis of the Influence of the Convective Term in the Quantitative Assessment by Infrared Thermography

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 67-88

  6. Comparative Analysis of the Influence of the Convective Term in the Quantitative Assessment by Infrared Thermography

    New Technologies in Building and Construction: Towards Sustainable Development (Springer Nature Singapore), pp. 67-88

  7. Evaluating the Possibility of Applying the Poverty-Adaptive Degree Hourly Index (PADHI) in Andalusia

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 239-254

  8. Evaluating the Possibility of Applying the Poverty-Adaptive Degree Hourly Index (PADHI) in Andalusia

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 239-254

  9. In-situ disinfection of wastes generated in dwellings by utilizing ozone for their safe incorporation into the recycling chain

    Waste Management, Vol. 139, pp. 60-69

  10. Towards a Simple Cold Box Adapted to Warm Climates: A Case Study in Mediterranean Climate

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 367-377