Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Evelyn Yaneth Delgado Gutiérrez (10)


  1. Adaptive Comfort Potential in Different Climate Zones of Ecuador Considering Global Warming

    Energies, Vol. 17, Núm. 9

  2. Development of a New Adaptive Comfort Model for Social Housing in Andalusia

    Passive and Low Energy Architecture 2024 (PLEA 2024)

  3. Positive Energy Buildings Potential for Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Poverty Mitigation

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture


  1. Analysing the Effectiveness of the Energy Conservation Measures to Reduce Energy Poverty Cases in the Southern Regions of Spain

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 225-238

  2. Analysing the Effectiveness of the Energy Conservation Measures to Reduce Energy Poverty Cases in the Southern Regions of Spain

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 225-238

  3. Ecuadorian Social Housing: Energetic Analysis Based on Thermal Comfort to Reduce Energy Poverty

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 209-224

  4. Ecuadorian Social Housing: Energetic Analysis Based on Thermal Comfort to Reduce Energy Poverty

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 209-224

  5. Evaluating the Possibility of Applying the Poverty-Adaptive Degree Hourly Index (PADHI) in Andalusia

    Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (Springer Suiza), pp. 239-254

  6. Evaluating the Possibility of Applying the Poverty-Adaptive Degree Hourly Index (PADHI) in Andalusia

    Energy Poverty Alleviation New Approaches and Contexts (Springer International Publishing), pp. 239-254

  7. Improvement Options of a Social Housing Prototype in Different Climate Zones in Ecuador

    Buildings, Vol. 12, Núm. 7