Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Carlos Eugenio Rodríguez Jiménez (13)


  1. In Situ Methodology to Assess the Action of Water-Wind on Building Windows

    New Technologies in Building and Construction: Towards Sustainable Development (Springer Nature Singapore), pp. 89-102

  2. In Situ Methodology to Assess the Action of Water-Wind on Building Windows

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 89-102

  3. Integrating Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in H-BIM

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 243-261

  4. Integrating Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in H-BIM

    New Technologies in Building and Construction: Towards Sustainable Development (Springer Nature Singapore), pp. 243-261


  1. Applying an artificial neural network to assess thermal transmittance in walls by means of the thermometric method

    Applied Energy, Vol. 233-234, pp. 1-14

  2. La internacionalización del contenido docente de las asignaturas de auditoría energética de edificios en enseñanzas de máster: un caso de aplicación

    CUICIID 2019. Contenidos, investigación, innovación y docencia: Congreso universitario internacional sobre la comunicación en la profesión y en la Universidad de hoy IX. 23 y 24 octubre