Publicaciones en las que colabora con MARÍA FRANCISCA ALBA SÁNCHEZ (9)


  1. Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

    Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

  2. Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

    Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

  3. Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

    Identification of an altitudinal migration pattern of Abies pinsapo in the Baetic Mountains through the presence of its life stages

  4. The local extinction of Cedrus atlantica in the Iberian Peninsula could have been completed due to biological interaction

    The local extinction of Cedrus atlantica in the Iberian Peninsula could have been completed due to biological interaction

  5. The local extinction of Cedrus atlantica in the Iberian Peninsula could have been completed due to biological interaction

    The local extinction of Cedrus atlantica in the Iberian Peninsula could have been completed due to biological interaction


  1. Las diferencias taxonómicas entre las poblaciones europeas y africanas de Abies pinsapo Boiss. están respaldadas por el análisis de superposición de nicho

    Avances en Biogeografía: áreas de distribución: entre puentes y barreras (Editorial Universidad de Granada), pp. 625