Theses Committees (6)

  1. Secretary of the Committee

    Modulatory factors of grammar learning in second and third languages 2023

    Universidad de Granada

    Rivera Zurita, Marta

  2. Secretary of the Committee

    Language coactivation in bilingual writing 2022

    Universidad de Granada

    Martínez Iniesta, Antonio José

  3. Committee Member

    Cambios asociados a la edad en la creatividad: el papel mediador de las funciones ejecutivas 2021

    Universidad de Jaén


  4. Secretary of the Committee

    Accessibility and memory control during analogical problem solving 2020

    Universidad de Granada

    Valle Muñoz, Tania M.

  5. Secretary of the Committee

    The cost of prospective memory in children: The role of Cue focality 2019

    Universidad de Granada

    Cejudo García, Ana Belén

  6. Committee Member

    Control de la interferencia en pacientes con trastorno mental grave: Esquizofrenia, trastorno bipolar y trastorno límite de la personalidad 2017

    Universidad de Granada

    Lozano Gutiérrez, Vanessa