Publications by the researcher in collaboration with MIGUEL ORTEGA SÁNCHEZ (26)
Bridge-piling modifications on the momentum balance in an estuary: The role of tides, winds and seasonality
Ocean Engineering, Vol. 271
Aerial Imagery Analysis and Retrospective Simulation of the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on the Coastal Wetlands of Bay of Cadiz Natural Park (Spain)
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Bridge-piling modifications on tidal flows in an estuary
Coastal Engineering, Vol. 173
Tidal Flow Modifications induce by Bridge Piles: The Example of Cadiz Bay
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
Circulation in a Short, Microtidal Submarine Canyon in the Alborán Sea
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 95, Núm. sp1, pp. 1531-1535
Atmospheric, hydrodynamic and water quality observations from environmental-quality stations, water level sensors, acoustic Doppler velocimeters, and meteorological stations located at the Guadalquivir river estuary (2008 - 2010)
Atmospheric, hydrodynamic and water quality observations from environmental-quality stations, water level sensors, acoustic Doppler velocimeters, and meteorological stations located at the Guadalquivir river estuary (2008 - 2010)
Natural and human-induced flow and sediment transport within tidal creek networks influenced by Ocean-Bay tides
Water (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 7
Climate change teaching: how to introduce this topic in the Engineering Education
EDULEARN18 Proceedings: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (July 2nd-4th, 2018, Palma, Spain)
Confronting learning challenges in the field of maritime and coastal engineering: Towards an educational methodology for sustainable development
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 171, pp. 733-742
Alteraciones en el flujo de energía mareal en las bahías por el impacto de nuevasconstrucciones: Bahía de Cádiz
XIV Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de Costas y Puertos (edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València), pp. 781-786
Efficient dredging strategy in a tidal inlet based on an energetic approach
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 146, pp. 157-169
Ondas de plataforma continental en el mar de Alborán y costa levantina española
XIV Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de Costas y Puertos (edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València), pp. 655-660
Tidal and subtidal hydrodynamics and energetics in a constricted estuary
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 185, pp. 55-68
A Subtidal Model of Temperature for a Well-Mixed Narrow Estuary: the Guadalquivir River Estuary (SW Spain)
Estuaries and Coasts, Vol. 39, Núm. 3, pp. 605-620
Erratum: Corrigendum to “Continental shelf waves on the Alborán sea” (Continental Shelf Research (2015) 111(Part A) (1–8)(S0278434315300996)(10.1016/j.csr.2015.11.004))
Continental Shelf Research
Morphodynamic response to human activities in the bay of cádiz (2012-2015)
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Tidal reflection
Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series (Springer Netherlands), pp. 704-706
Continental shelf waves on the Alborán sea
Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 111, pp. 1-8
Hydrodynamics response to planned human interventions in a highly altered embayment: The example of the Bay of Cádiz (Spain)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 167, pp. 75-85