Publications (32) PAULA MATILDE ESQUIVIAS FERNÁNDEZ publications
FLIP-QTC: Enhancing Quality Testing and Control Knowledge on Building Materials Through the Flipped Classroom Methodology
Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century (Springer Suiza), pp. 73-88
Hybrid ventilation in a nearly zero-energy building as a function of users’ habits for better indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a warm climate
Building Research and Information
Initiation to Construction Through Student Self-Recording and the Use of Mobile Applications to Ensure Active Learning
Teaching Innovation in Architecture and Building Engineering: challenges of the 21st century (Springer Suiza), pp. 59-72
Learning by teaching: Flipped classroom model applied to quality test and control of building materials
EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture
Study on the Perception of Architecture and Building Engineering Students About the Usefulness of Quiz Games
International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Proyecto Nanoer. Plataforma de recursos educativos abiertos sobre análisis de ciclo de vida de tratamientos basados en nanopartículas de productos de la construcción: Análisis de la curricula en Europa
Propuestas educativas y docentes desde la innovación y la transferencia de conocimiento a la sociedad: Libro de resúmenes del II congreso Internacional innovación docente, educación y transferencia de conocimiento
Proyecto Nanoer. Plataforma educacional sobre análisis de ciclo de vida de tratamientos basados en nanopartículas de productos de la construcción: Análisis de la curricula en Europa
Nuevas tendencias en innovación educativa en arquitectura, arte, moda, historia y humanidades (Dykinson), pp. 245-257
Comparative study between the Passive House Standard in warm climates and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings under Spanish Technical Building Code in a dwelling design in Seville, Spain
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 254
Guía práctica de la formación en línea: innovación en la formación en línea como apoyo a la transferencia del conocimiento
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla
Primary energy efficiency assessment of a coil heat recovery system within the air handling unit of an operating room
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Decarbonization and circular economy in the sustainable development and renovation of buildings and neighbourhoods
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Diseño y gestión de edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo: nZEB
Ediciones Paraninfo
Eco-efficient analysis of a refurbishment proposal for a social housing
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 17
Energy consumption reduction of a chiller plant by adding evaporative pads to decrease condensation temperature
Energies, Vol. 13, Núm. 9
Personalized evaporative cooler to reduce energy consumption and improve thermal comfort in free-running spaces
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 22
Solar radiation entering through openings: Coupled assessment of luminous and thermal aspects
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 175, pp. 208-218
A comparison of closed-form and finite-element solutions for heat transfer in a nearly horizontal, unglazed flat plate PVT water collector: Performance assessment
Solar Energy, Vol. 141, pp. 11-24
Optimization method for perforated solar screen design to improve daylighting using orthogonal arrays and climate-based daylight modelling
Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 144-160
Climate-based daylight analysis of fixed shading devices in an open-plan office
Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 48, Núm. 2, pp. 205-220
"Cons" at the moment of introducing new eco-efficient technologies to build a detached house. Case study: a house in Palomares del Rio (Seville)
Proceedings of the II International congress on sustainable construction and eco-efficient solutions : Seville 25-27 may 2015