Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet MIGUEL ORTEGA SÁNCHEZ (40)


  1. Beyond human interventions on complex bays: Effects on water and wave dynamics (study case Cádiz Bay, Spain)

    Water (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 7

  2. Data for the hydrodynamic, salinity and temperature 2D numerical simulation at Cádiz Bay (Spain)

    Data for the hydrodynamic, salinity and temperature 2D numerical simulation at Cádiz Bay (Spain)

  3. Data for the hydrodynamic, salinity and temperature 2D numerical simulation at Cádiz Bay (Spain)

    Data for the hydrodynamic, salinity and temperature 2D numerical simulation at Cádiz Bay (Spain)

  4. Mixed sand and gravel beaches

    Sandy Beach Morphodynamics (Elsevier), pp. 317-341