Área: Estratigrafía

Grupo de investigación: ANALISIS DE CUENCAS


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Doctor por la Universidad de Granada con la tesis Cenozoic paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic reconstructions in the Drake-Scotia gateway 2020. Dirigida por Dra. Carlota Escutia Dotti, Dra. Francisco José Lobo Sánchez.

Dr. López-Quirós is an early career geologist (sedimentologist) with a solid background in paleoceanography and paleoclimate. He completed his Ph.D. in 2020 (Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, CSIC), focusing on the Drake Passage-Scotia Sea to better understand the effects of tectonics on the development of Southern Ocean gateways, ocean circulation, sedimentation patterns, and ice sheet evolution. During his Ph.D., he conducted research at Stanford University and IODP at Texas A&M University (USA) and Royal Holloway University of London (UK). Since 2021, Dr. López-Quirós have conducted postdoctoral research supported by two competitive fellowships in highly recognized research groups. The first (2021-2023; 2-year DFF postdoc) in the Paleoceanography and Paleoclimate group at the Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University (AU, Denmark). The second (2023-2024, 2-year postdoc-JUAN DE LA CIERVA) in the RNM190 Basin Analysis group at the Department of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, University of Granada (UGR, Spain). He is also involved in >5 international research groups specializing in paleoclimate and coastal and marine sciences (e.g. from Columbia University; Natural History Museum of London; Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo; British Antarctic Survey; GEUS-Denmark). In addition, since 2021, he has been collaborating with the Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (UGR) to study climate literacy among secondary school teachers. Dr. López-Quirós has authored 40 peer-reviewed publications, of which 26 have been published in top SCI-indexed journals in geosciences (9 as first author) and presented >80 works at conferences (27 as first author; 12 oral presentations/2 invited talks). During his research career, he has participated in 13 research projects (>2.6M€), of which he has secured >30.000€ in funding as (PI)/Co-PI, raised >290.000€ in salary through competitive fellowships, and won two conference presentation awards. In addition, he recently received a positive project evaluation from the European Commission and secured funding of 156.778€. He has also participated in 8 international oceanographic expeditions to Antarctica (x4), Greenland-Arctic (x2), and the Mediterranean (x2) between 2017 and 2024. Moreover, he has been responsible for laboratory work and coordination of oceanographic expedition objectives, along with other institutional responsibilities. These include leadership in coordinating 2 scientific sessions at international conferences/workshops (e.g. at EGU 2023), serving on the editorial boards of 2 SCI journals (e.g. Frontiers in Earth Sciences), reviewing >20 SCI publications and 1 project proposal for the DFG-German Research Foundation, and conducting >15 national/international outreach activities to promote geoscience literacy. In conjunction with his research, Dr. López-Quirós has been actively involved in teaching since 2017, with >370 hours of teaching and supervision at both UGR and Aarhus University. At UGR (ascribed to the Stratigraphy Area), he has contributed to various undergraduate modules in both the Geology and Biology bachelor’s degree programs (e.g., Physical Environment, Field Geology I (Stratigraphy; Sedimentology), Geological Cartography I, Earth History and Plate Tectonics, Paleogeography and Basin Analysis), and taught in the specific module ‘Complementary Training in Biology and Geology’ in the MSc’s Degree in Teacher Training. At Aarhus University, he has taught in the module ‘Oceans and Climates’ in the BSc Degree program in Geoscience. Regarding supervision, he has supervised 4 MSc theses, 2 BSc theses, 2 exchange students, and 1 UGR-Banco Santander initiation grant. Dr. López-Quirós has been accredited by ANECA-Spain as Assistant Professor (‘Profesor Contratado Doctor’) since 2021.