Capítulos de Libro (53) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. (Non-)Uniqueness of Einstein-Palatini Gravity

    Fundamental Physics and Physics Education Research (Springer International Publishing), pp. 49-59

  2. Active Deformation in the Iberian Peninsula from Geodetic Techniques


  3. Active Faults in Iberia

    The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach Volume 5: Active Processes: Seismicity, Active Faulting and Relief (SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG), pp. 33-75

  4. Active Landscapes of Iberia

    The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach Volume 5: Active Processes: Seismicity, Active Faulting and Relief (Springer), pp. 77-124

  5. An unusual evolutionary strategy: The origins, genetic repertoire, and implications of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in bivalves

    Evolutionary Biology-A Transdisciplinary Approach (Springer), pp. 301-323

  6. Analytical Methods in Biodiesel Production

    Energy, Environment, and Sustainability (Springer Nature), pp. 197-219

  7. Analytical protocols in carotenoid analysis

    Pigments from Microalgae Handbook (Springer International Publishing), pp. 151-178

  8. Análisis estadístico de la evolución de las concesiones de nacionalidad española: Situación de los nacimientos de extranjeros y nivel de estudios del alumnado extranjero

    Normativas de Nacionalidad en Derecho Comparado (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 29-52

  9. Arqueología experimental en Baelo Claudia: del laboratorio al yacimiento

    Baelo Claudia y los secretos del Garum: atunes, ballenas, ostras, sardinas y otros recursos marinos en la cadena operativa haliéutica romana (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 178-193

  10. Biomedical-related applications of functionalized nanomaterials

    Handbook of Functionalized Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications (Elsevier), pp. 205-230

  11. Biosensors based on two-dimensional materials

    2D Materials for Nanophotonics (Elsevier), pp. 245-312

  12. Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property for positive operators between classical Banach spaces

    The mathematical legacy of Victor Lomonosov : Operator theory (De Gruyter Mouton), pp. 1-14

  13. Cellulose–TiO2 composites for the removal of water pollutants

    Bio-based Materials and Biotechnologies for Eco-efficient Construction (Elsevier), pp. 329-358

  14. Chapter 9: Biorefining of Metallic Wastes into New Nanomaterials for Green Chemistry, Environment and Energy

    RSC Green Chemistry (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 213-243

  15. Chromatographic methods

    Food Authentication and Traceability (Elsevier), pp. 65-99

  16. Color management and communication in dentistry

    Color and Appearance in Dentistry (Springer International Publishing), pp. 99-114

  17. Color science and its application in dentistry

    Color and Appearance in Dentistry (Springer International Publishing), pp. 1-38

  18. Cosmetics-food waste recovery

    Food Waste Recovery: Processing Technologies, Industrial Techniques, and Applications (Elsevier), pp. 503-528

  19. Desert Biodiversity-World's Hot Spots/Globally Outstanding Biodiverse Deserts

    Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes (Elsevier), pp. 10-22

  20. Effects of virgin olive oil on fatty acid composition of pancreatic cell membranes: Modulation of acinar cell function and signaling, and cell injury

    Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention (Elsevier), pp. 569-580