Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet GEMMA PÉREZ LÓPEZ (10)


  1. Drivers of contracting back in local governments: analysing efficiency, opportunistic political cycles, political corruption and financial factors

    Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Vol. 24, Núm. 3, pp. 347-360

  2. Innovación en la prestación de servicios municipales

    Nuevos retos para las políticas urbanas: innovación, gobernanza, servicios municipales y políticas sectoriales (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 43-58

  3. The selective collection of municipal solid waste and other factors determining cost efficiency. An analysis of service provision by spanish municipalities

    Waste Management, Vol. 134, pp. 11-20


  1. Current state of HE programmes, labour market and digitization

    Good practices in the 3Economy+ Project: learning from the experience (Comares), pp. 35-40

  2. Long-term cost efficiency of alternative management forms for urban public transport from the public sector perspective

    Transport Policy, Vol. 88, pp. 16-23